5 Reasons to Upgrade to Dynamics 365 Business Central. Here’s why.

Reasons to Upgrade to Dynamics 365 Business Central

Microsoft D365 Business Central, built from the flexible architecture of Dynamics NAV, is the latest and best cloud ERP solution.

Why is Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central the Best ERP Solution?

If you are here, you most likely know how vital ERP is, and how time-consuming it can be looking for a better ERP solution for your company. Of course, competition is very intense in the ERP market. But after a thorough analysis of the pros and cons of different solutions available, one can arguably say that Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, built from the flexible architecture of Dynamics NAV, is the latest and best cloud ERP solution. With Dynamics 365 Business Central, you can streamline your processes, make smarter decisions, and accelerate growth.

Why Dynamics 365 Business Central is the Best?

Advantages of Dynamics 365 Business Central Implementation:

  • Greater Flexibility: Dynamics 365 Business Central is built on the customizable architecture of Dynamics NAV. Though D365 Business Central is a native cloud solution, it is very flexible in that it can be deployed on cloud, on-premises or in a hybrid combination. D365 Business Central will adapt to your needs and the interface is designed for easy access.
  • Business Intelligence: With the integration of Power BI, you can enrich your ERP with intelligence. This integration will improve decision-making across various departments of your organization. Microsoft has tied machine learning to forecasting.
  • Customer Relationship Management: One of the major advantages of Dynamics 365 Business Central is that, it comes with an integrated CRM. Once you activate this built-in CRM, you will enhance your relationship with your business and customers.
  • Microsoft Integrations: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central integrates seamlessly with all Microsoft services such as Office 365, PowerApps, and Power BI. Additionally, Dynamics 365 BC provides you with a two-way sync as an added bonus.
  • Lesser cost: Dynamics 365 Business Central is the most cost-effective ERP in its segment, and it is a viable option for a cloud-based ERP solution.

Upgrade to Microsoft and leverage the advantages of Dynamics 365 Business Central

Whether you are contemplating a green-field implementation of Dynamics 365 Business Central or simply migrating from Dynamics NAV to Business Central, DemandDynamics will help you all the way from consulting to implementing to 24/7 support. For more information, talk to our team!!